DOC BC presents
The Hydra Headed Beast of Impact Producing with Katherine Dodds: Impact Producer for 65_RedRoses and The Corporation
Sunday November 25, 2018
1 P.M. – 5 P.M.
InFocus Film School
306 Abbott Street, Vancouver
* MIXER to follow
**Prerequisite for DOC BC’s IMPACT INTENSIVE in 2019
At this moment in time Impact producing in Canada and Impact producing in the US are quite different. Filmmakers in the US have far more opportunities than Canadians in the development and funding of Impact producing strategies, but opportunities exist for Canadian producers who can meet market demand for their impact films in communities south of the border and who can establish cross-border impact partners for their campaigns. We’ll examine how these strategies are progressing documentary distribution and sustainability for filmmakers.
Event Description:
The Masterclass workshop will explore hybrid ways for filmmakers to find, engage and influence their audiences. In today’s digital universe, borders are fluid and ideas are the passports. From micro-targeting to the universal, this workshop will explore the principles behind impact distribution and the tactics to reach out and make your films relevant to the widest group possible. During this workshop, we’ll explore the Purpose, Outcome, and Process to get your film to market, and the tools and tactics you need to get there. Regardless of the path, you choose traditional distribution or the Digital DIY path (or any hybrid model in between) you must first decide where you want to go. Why? And, who are your people? This is the most important question to ask and the most exciting to discover.
In January 2019, we will be having a one-on-one session with 6-8 pre-selected participants who attended this workshop. They will meet with Kat for 30-minute sessions to discuss their individual films and delve deeper into the impact opportunities present in them.
Katherine Dodds – Impact Producer
Kat is an impact producer most known for her ongoing work with The Corporation, including directing a new digital media platform called Halo Tales and driving the impact campaign for the upcoming sequel. Alumni of Adbusters, where she directed a Calvin Klein ad parody, founder of Hello Cool World, Co-founder of Drawing Wisdom, she is a media maker, artist, writer, and thinker. All her work is dedicated to social and environmental justice, Indigenous solidarity, health promotion, and harm reduction. Her vision is to establish a model for impact distribution. She has a BA in Fine Arts from UVic, and an MA in Fine Arts & Cultural Studies from University of Leeds, UK, which she likes to describe as a mash-up of semiotics, cybernetics, and psychoanalysis. Most of all she wants the media to make a difference. A good one.
DOC BC members/Sponsors FREE (you must register to get a seat)
Non – Members: $40
Low Income / Students: $15
Early Bird Pricing*
Non – Members: $35
Low Income / Students: $10
*sale ends on Nov 15th, 2018