UPDATED: The Board of Directors would like to invite you to attend DOC’s Annual General Meeting which will be held THURSDAY, MAY 5th AT 6:00 PM at the C LOUNGE, 456 Wellington Street West [google map].
All members in good standing can attend.
If you are unable to attend, you can appoint another member in good standing as your proxy. If you need a proxy, please e-mail adele@docorg.ca. Please Note: No proxy holder may hold more than 5 proxies and no proxy holder from Toronto may hold more than 2 proxies.
RSVP : Please RSVP with adele@docorg.ca by April 30th so that we may make appropriate dinner arrangements. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know. The menu will be vegetarian-friendly!
The meeting will be followed by DOC’s annual party, which will kick off at 9:00 p.m.
Don’t miss it!